Hurricane season is here again, and the weather reports are filled weekly with new or developing storms and hurricanes that could make landfall in the Metairie and greater New Orleans area. The devastation caused by a hurricane can damage your home or your business. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may need money for repairs or to cover living expenses and lost income from a business. When a storm hits, insurance companies are inundated with calls, and getting the money you're entitled to can be a long and frustrating process. Furthermore, your claim could be denied or offered a settlement that doesn’t seem fair or covers your costs.

Why Hire a Hurricane Damage Attorney

Our attorneys at Mark W. Smith & Associates are highly experienced in hurricane damage cases. An attorney will help you evaluate your insurance policy and protect your rights. Our lawyers can take the hassle out of pursuing your hurricane claim, and they’ll also be there to ensure you meet filing deadlines and deal with any roadblocks that arise.

Some important steps to take if your property is damaged in a hurricane:

  • Know your insurance policy: It’s important to read your entire policy and know what coverage is (and isn’t) being offered to you.
  • Mitigate the damage to your property: If it’s possible to do so safely, protect your home or business from further damage by boarding broken windows, putting a tarp over a damaged roof, etc. This will protect you from claims by the insurance company that some damage happened after the storm.
  • Document, document, document: To ensure maximum compensation for your claim, it is important to show what you have lost. Photos, estimates, appraisals, and other supporting evidence documenting the value of the items lost are beneficial.
  • Keep your cool: Dealing with the aftermath of a hurricane is stressful for you, your community, and those handling claims. Being polite (but firm), flexible, and patient will help the process go more smoothly.

Affording a Hurricane Attorney

Mark W. Smith and his team of reputed Attorneys, including Leonard K. Fisher III and Mark Smith II, are well qualified with valuable experience in their field. No matter how complicated your situation might seem, an attorney from our office will examine every aspect and develop a sound plan that addresses your own unique legal needs. We are conveniently located in Metairie, LA, thus having good coverage in greater New Orleans and throughout Southeastern LA. Please feel free to call us at 504-224-8388 or contact us via our website to schedule a free initial consultation.