Picture this: You experience excruciating back pain that comes on suddenly. You rush to the emergency room, hoping for a swift diagnosis and relief. Instead, you're sent home twice with pain medication and little else. By the time you reach a different medical facility, the cause is clear - a spinal cord tumor pressing on your nerves. Emergency surgery has become necessary, but the delay has already resulted in partial paralysis.

This scenario is a real example of how a missed diagnosis can have life-altering consequences. It’s cases like these that the team at Mark W. Smith and Associates wishes more people knew about, and with that in mind, we’ve decided to devote this blog to missed diagnoses, medical malpractice, and all the harm they can cause.

What Constitutes Medical Malpractice?

  • Medical professionals have a duty to provide a reasonable standard of care, which includes thorough examinations and appropriate diagnostic testing.
  • When this duty is breached, and a patient suffers harm as a result, it could be considered medical malpractice.
  • In the aforementioned case, initial emergency room visits failed to identify the underlying cause of the patient's pain. This delay in diagnosis resulted in permanent nerve damage.
  • Fortunately, the patient was able to recover significant compensation, highlighting once again how important it is to seek legal counsel after a medical error.

What to Remember:

  • If you experience concerning symptoms, be persistent in seeking a diagnosis.
  • Don't hesitate to get a second opinion if you're unsure!
  • Medical records are crucial evidence in malpractice cases, so create copies of all your medical documents and keep backups in multiple forms. 
  • If you believe you've been a victim of medical negligence, consulting with a qualified medical malpractice attorney is essential.
  • A skilled attorney can assess your case and help you navigate the legal process, allowing you to focus on your road to recovery.

No one wants to discover the grim realities of medical malpractice the hard way. We hope the information above helps you to avoid a difficult outcome that compromises your health, wealth, and mental well-being. If the worst occurs, our expert attorneys can help you navigate the legal complexities, establish liability, and attain the necessary compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Mark W. Smith and his team are ready to assist. No matter how complicated your situation might seem, an attorney from our office will examine every aspect and develop a sound plan that addresses your unique legal needs. We are conveniently located in Metairie, LA, with good coverage in greater New Orleans and throughout Southeastern LA. Call us at 504-224-8388 or contact us via our website to schedule a free initial consultation.